Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blowing My Fucking Brains Out

There are moments so deliciously fulfilling and then there are the moments that fill all of the time between where I want
to blow
my fucking brains out.

Today is one of those days where, while I planned to bust my ass cleaning, I spent the entire day, morning, noon, and night, on the phone and out running errands for my OTHER job.

Yes, that job.  The one that doesn't pay.  The one I do out of the goodness of my fucking heart and my love for animals.  The one that costs my every nickel and dime and sweat, blood, and tears; because let's face it, animals are fucking exhausting and it is ALWAYS something with pets.

"There is urine on the floor.  Oh look, there's more."
"Our fourth and final iPhone charger is lying is seventeen pieces."
"Something smells like shit.  Oh wait.  It's shit."

These are the moments that pass between my smiling eyes and glowing jubilance.

Behind every selfless, caring, hard-working individual is their exhausted, beaten down shadow hunched over themselves in tears.

But it passes.

When I'm done washing, mopping, and scrubbing, there are nine plus pairs of eyes staring at me with nothing but love and loyalty.

It's hard work, but it's a choice I make every single day.

I could stop, but I press on.

It's okay to have bad days.

Sometimes you just want to blow your fucking brains out.  After all, the silver lining of a pee puddle still smells like ammonia.

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